Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jewish Background of the New Testament

By: J. Julius Scott Jr. 
Scott Jr. dives into the lives of a the Jewish people start in the Intertestamental period and ending with how these historical facts affect current Christian controversies. Julius shows from the geography of the region, Jewish history, and Jewish theology the best guess on what Jews mindset was during the beginning of the New Testament. This allows the reader to use historical context to assist in their interpretation of Scripture. Deepening their understanding of the mindset of the first century Jew. Vocabulary is well with in common use and difficult concepts are explained. Well footnoted for additional research and already in use in several colleges this book makes a wonderful addition to a student's library.. Recommended for  people looking to study  the New Testament.
J. Julius Scott Jr.

About Author: J. Julius Scott Jr., (Ph.D., University of Manchester) is emeritus professor of biblical and historical studies at Wheaton College Graduate School.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament

By: Christopher J. H. Wright 
Wright defines in this book the connection between the Old Testament and Christ. He works under the guiding premise that Jesus learned who He was to become through reading the Old Testament. He then goes through the Old Testament showing various portions of Scripture and scholars that agree with his premise. Well written in terms of a college text with high level vocabulary. Sources are placed as a end note that is disorganized. The problem with this book is that the guiding premise lays aside the divinity of Christ and the knowledge that He would have had. Emphasizing fully man, but forgetting the fact that He is also fully God. Great book for seeing the other side of a theological debate. Horrible pick up and read book and should only be read after a person has a grasp of hypostatic union.
Image of Christopher J. H. Wright

About Author:Christopher J. H. Wright (Ph.D., Cambridge) was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His doctorate is in Old Testament ethics. He taught Old Testament in India for five years (1983-1988) at Union Biblical Seminary, and then returned to the faculty of All Nations Christian College, a missionary training school in England, where he was principal from 1993-2001.
Wright is now the international director of the Langham Partnership International (known in the United States as John Stott Ministries), providing literature, scholarships and preaching training for pastors in Majority World churches and seminaries.
He has written several books including commentaries on Deuteronomy and Ezekiel, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God and Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament. An ordained Anglican, he serves on the staff of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, England.